Keep Your Home


You can’t ignore an eviction but you can fight it!

The first eviction ban in Ontario ended on July 31. Eviction hearings at the Landlord and Tenant Board are still taking place during the early 2021 eviction enforcement ban. Any tenant who was unable to pay all of their rent during COVID-19 remains at risk of eviction. These hearings are happening online and tenants are not given much notice before they occur.

Landlords are no longer pretending that, “we’re all in this together”. The repayment plans they are offering put you at greater risk of eviction. Neighbourhoods from east to west Toronto are fighting to keep tenants in their homes. You can’t ignore an eviction but you can fight it.

No matter what the stage of the eviction process, our position is made stronger by organizing. Whether we have an N4, an eviction hearing or a pending eviction order, there are things that organized neighbours can do.

  • Parkdale tenants have organized successfully to have Notices of Eviction (N4s) dropped and applications at the Landlord and Tenant Board withdrawn.

  • Tenants at Lansdowne and Dupont have moved their landlord toward collective negotiation in the weeks before their eviction hearings.

  • Crescent Town tenants in East York faced down police to stop an eviction from being enforced. This tenant is in her home now because of this organizing.
    We stand a chance of winning if we come together. They are guaranteed to win if we don’t.